Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Diversity in NCAA leadership

Going on right now is the House Committee on Energy and Commerce's Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection hearing on "The Lack of Diversity in Leadership Positions in NCAA Collegiate Sports." [I am not sure what commerce, trade and consumer protection have to do with NCAA diversity but at least someone is taking up the issue.] Here is the link if you want to listen live. And hopefully the whole hearing will be available after the fact as well.
Those scheduled to testify include Reverend Jesse Jackson, NCAA President Myles Brand, Dr. Richard Lapchick [he produces the yearly "report card" on the state of diversity in athletics], and various coaches, college presidents, and athletic administrators.

Afternoon Update: Here is an article about the hearings. It covers the major points but presents the issue at hand as the lack of black coaches in intercollegiate athletics. Like so many other reports on the status of blacks in athletics, implicit in "black coach" or "black athlete" is male. Briefly addressed was the situation of minority females. But once again the issues of race and gender in sport are separated out despite the reality that everyone is raced and gendered (and classed, and abilized, etc.). I guess that is what happens when the only people scheduled to testify are men--even if they are well-intentioned and possibly even feminist-minded men. Also, the focus of the article is on the lack of black coaches, to the exclusion of other people of color.
The article does mention the possibility of using Title VII as a legislative tool in the same way women's sports have used Title IX. Apparently a Title VII lawsuit may be forthcoming.

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