Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Stanford Conference

West coast readers, mark your calendars: On Saturday, April 28, Stanford University will host a conference called Title IX Today, Title IX Tomorrow.

According to the conference website,

This event will feature leading policy makers, administrators, scholars, and public officials with the ability to influence the effective implementation of Title IX in the years to come. It is designed to provoke fresh insights and promote sound practices surrounding gender equity in college athletics and beyond [including] discussion of how to assess gender equity in college athletics, how to increase opportunities for women students and coaches without diminishing them for men, and how to promote change in athletic contexts beyond the intercollegiate setting.

Billie Jean King will give the keynote address, and the agenda also includes presentations by scholars such as Vivian Acosta, Linda Jean Carpenter, Richard Lapchick, and Mary Jo Kane, as well as advocates (for and against) such as NWLC's Marica Greenberger, WSF's Donna Lopiano, and CSC's Eric Pearson. Stanford's own Tara VanDerveer and Athletic Director Bob Bowlsby are also in the lineup.

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