Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Legislative Updates in California, Iowa

California's legislature is considering legislation that would protect GLBT students from bullying, similar to legislation that passed in Iowa earlier this year. According to Equality California, the group that is spearheading the lobby effort:
Nearly 8 percent of California students report being harassed because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, according to the 2004 Safe Place to Learn report issued by the California Safe Schools Coalition and the 4-H Center for Youth Development at UC-Davis. In addition, more than 91 percent of all youth report hearing students make negative comments based on sexual orientation
Meanwhile, Iowa legislators seem to have decided that protecting gay students was such a good idea that they might as well protect all gay Iowan from discrimination. The state senate recently voted to add sexual orientation to the statewide nondiscrimination bill that covers employment and public accommodations.

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