Saturday, March 31, 2007

Coach fired over Title IX violations

South Carolina State University fired its head basketball coach last week. Jamal Brown was fired, according to university reps because he "violated the university's obligations under Title IX."
Because this is a personnel matter, and because the violations could result in litigation the university will not release any more details. This means we are left to speculate. Erin thinks the only thing the vague official comments could mean is that Brown was involved in some kind of harassment situation.
This was Brown's first season at SC State and it was losing one with a 13-17 record. But apparently there were even bigger problems.

4/2 UPDATE: This article actually sheds a little more light on the situation with Brown and SC State. He has been investigated for a relationship with a team trainer who has said the relationship was a professional one. So reading between the lines it seems that the school has dismissed him because perhaps he was less than cooperative during the investigation. Or at least that is the official reason.

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