Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Harvard Conference

The Harvard Journal of Law and Gender is hosting a conference called "Changing Cultural Norms? Title IX and Legal Activism" this Friday afternoon, April 13, from 2 pm to 5:30. Here's a description from the journal's website:
In the 35 years since Title IX was passed, it has been used in a variety of situations to increase gender equity in educational environments. We will examine how effective Title IX has been as a legal reform effort to change social and gender norms and what we can learn from these lessons as we look to future feminist legislative agendas. The conference is divided into two panels, the first focusing on Title IX’s uses in combating sexual harassment and sexual assault at schools, and the second focusing on Title IX’s effects on athletics programs and gender equity in sports. The conference is free and open to all, no registration required.
The esteemed panelists are listed here.

(Via Sports Law Blog. Thanks for the shout-out, Michael!)

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