Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Setting the record straight at Bowling Green

I came across this editorial in the Bowling Green State student paper the other day. It contains almost all of the myths about Title IX compliance. {Example: "the precedents that have become attached to [Title IX] tend to favor women's sports over men's sports, which could lead to a case of inadvertent reverse discrimination."} But it was written by student columnist so I was trying to negotiate the proper tone to take--something between conciliatory and condemning. Luckily someone else did my work for me. BGSU's AAUW representative wrote a rebuttal editorial in a calm but firm tone. And she employed a delicious pie metaphor at the end--something I never would have come up with myself.

1 comment:

  1. I particularly dig the comments after her rebuttal. That dude has had a bit too much of the kool-aid.
