Thursday, June 21, 2007

Diana Nyad on Title IX: 'Get FB out of there'

Diana Nyad, a great swimmer in the 1970s, was on NPR's Marketplace today discussing Title IX as the 35th Anniversary nears. She briefly discussed two of the main issues regarding Title IX: proportionality and men's football. What is surprising to me, is her opinion about Title IX and men's football. She stated:
It goes right back into football. So it has been suggested by legislatures and all kinds of other advocacy people on both sides of this issue — since way back, since Title IX first came into being in the early 70s — that football just be taken out of the Title IX equation.....If we got football out of there, let them take care of themselves, I think then we would probably have the most fair situation I can personally think of.
Yes, Nyad is stating that by taking football out of the Title IX equation (there would then be men's sport, women's sport, and football) the result will be a relatively fair situation in sport. Hmmm, seems to me a fair situation would be to, 'gasp', eliminate the excesses that exist within the majority of football teams. This would include, to only name a few, the roster size, coaching salary, and facilities. But, given the political and societal power of football, making these types of changes will continue to be challenging.

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