Wednesday, June 20, 2007

NWLC "Barriers to Fair Play" report

Yesterday, Marcia Greenberger, Co-President of the National Women's Law Center (NWLC), presented findings from the NWLC report entitled, Barriers to Fair Play, before a subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor. Using the Freedom of Information Act, the NWLC acquired records of Title IX complaints from the Office of Civil Rights (OCR). Major findings included:
  • Discrimination of female athletes remains widespread
  • Because of fears of retaliation, few coaches file complaints
  • When complaints were made on behalf of female athletes, athletic departments often made changes
  • For all sports, the gap between softball and baseball teams was most pronounced
  • OCR is not enforcing Title IX at a sufficient level
Evaluating Title IX, gives an overview of the findings and Greenberger's presentation.

The NWLC has made available a Title IX 35th Anniversary Press Packet containing numerous resources.

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