Thursday, July 05, 2007

More Fresno Links

Lindy Vivas's trial is making national news as this AP article connects the situation at Fresno State to the national trend of declining number of female head coaches: "Advocates for women in sports say Vivas, whose $4.1 million lawsuit could go to a jury as soon as this week, is emblematic of a system that has helped female athletes but failed female coaches."

In local news from the trial, witnesses for the university testified Monday that Vivas inflated her win record by selectively scheduling less competitive opponents. On Tuesday, a former assistant coach Adrian Wiggins disputed the earlier, pro-Vivas testimony of his one-time boss, former head basketball coach Stacy Johnson-Klein. Wiggins told the jury that Johnson-Klein was the one who said derogatory comments about lesbians, not AD Scott Johnson. However, other witnesses did corroborate Vivas's testimony about intra-department references to "being on the other team."

Closing arguments were expected on Tuesday, but because they were not described in any of the recent articles about the trial, I am guessing they got pushed back, perhaps to today.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    From the Fresno Bee:

    "A 12-member jury ruled in favor of Lindy Vivas on Monday in her sexual discrimination suit against Fresno State and awarded her $5.85 million in damages."
