Friday, July 06, 2007

President Bush Backs Title IX? examines the President's recent statement on Title IX ("I'm a big backer of Title IX" he told the media) in light of his administration's actual record of dismantling its enforcement policies.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    You know, I have to admit being surprised that the WLC didn't file 35 AFA complaints based on EADA data with OCR this year.

  2. 35 AFA complaints? I don't follow you.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    On the 25th anniversary of Title IX the WLC filed 25 Athletic Financial Assistance (AFA) complaints with OCR. All the EADA data is out there on the web and you could easily run the numbers to file AFA complaints based on a University's own numbers. I'm just surprised the WLC didn't do the same thing on the 35th anniversary.
