Monday, July 09, 2007

Verdict Is In: $5.85 Million for Lindy Vivas

The verdict is in: Fresno State is liable to former volleyball coach Lindy Vivas to the tune of $5.85 million -- that's $1.75 mllion more than the $4.1 million she was suing for! The award takes into account back pay ($2.625m), future lost wages ($1.8m), and past and future "noneconomic losses" like emotional distress ($1.425 m). Her lawyer says its likely the largest ever granted to a coach suing for retaliation under Title IX.

ESPN has coverage here, Fresno Bee's is here. The Bee reports that Fresno State plans an appeal.

(For earlier posts on the trial, use the "Fresno" link below.)

7/11 update: here is a link to the jury verdict form and more, later coverage from the Bee.


  1. Raising a glass to this!

  2. Anonymous12:28 PM

    CSU Fresno has to say it's planning to appeal, but what it really has to do is decide whether or not to make an offer to settle the case pending appeal and then do the same with the two other discrimination lawsuits waiting in the wings.

  3. Indeed. Hopefully a nice big award like that one will deter CSUF and other universities from engaging in similar conduct.

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The Chronicle of Higher Education's website is reporting that the California Legislature plans an inquiry into the entire matter:

    July 13, 2007
    Sex-Bias Lawsuits at Fresno State Prompt Inquiry by California Lawmakers
    California legislators plan to look into whether there is widespread gender bias in the California State University system, the Associated Press reported.

    Announcement of the inquiry followed a jury’s verdict this week that ordered California State University at Fresno to pay $5.85-million to a former women’s volleyball coach, Lindy Vivas, who had accused the institution of sex discrimination. The university also faces trials this year in two other gender-bias lawsuits filed by women who formerly worked in Fresno State’s athletics program.

    State Sen. Don Perata, a Democrat and chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, said lawmakers were alarmed by the cost of the case to taxpayers, and also want to find out whether Cal State had turned a blind eye to gender discrimination elsewhere in the system, the AP reported. Mr. Perata said he expected his committee to approve the formation next week of a special investigative subcommittee that would have the power to convene hearings and subpoena witnesses.

    Fresno State said it would cooperate with any legislative questioning. University officials also have said they plan to appeal the verdict in the case of the former volleyball coach and to file a motion with the court to reduce the award. —Sara Hebel

    Posted on Friday July 13, 2007

  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I am in search of some help (lawyer/representation reference) for a very good friend and sister that is in a situation at the university she is currently employed at as the women’s assistant basketball coach. To make this brief, she has been a loyal and dedicated assistant coach for the past 12 years at this school, was made associate head coach last year and has mentored many young women and has prepared them for their future out side the university. Now the head coach has resigned and the university is not even granting her an interview after all she has done for this university. In may eyes and in the eyes of many, I feel she is being over looked base on the color of her skin, yes she is a black women and after reading about Lindy Vivas discrimination case I feel she needs to pursue the issue of the constant discrimination against women in the athletic world. In end I am just looking for any referred representation that will help her in her pursuit for equality.
