Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Feather River College Employees Get Retaliation Hearing

Three former employees of Feather River College (Quincy, California) pressed their Title IX retaliation claims at a two-week hearing before the California State Personnel Board earlier this month. The agency will hear the College's defense in November.

Michelle Jaureguito, the former Upward Bound director, and Paul Thein, the vice president for students services/athletic director allege that they were retaliated against for turning in an Upward Bound program staff member who sexually assaulted several female students. The staff member in question is the son of a prominent FRC professor.

Laurel Wartluft, the head women's basketball coach, and Thein both allege that they were retaliated against for reporting inequitable treatment of the women's basketball program, including the President's decision to reduce the head coach position to part time. Wartluft, who was the interim head coach when she applied for the head coach position, reports that the search committee selected a male applicant with no collegiate coaching experience rather than vote to offer her the job. (Perhaps the comments of committee members -- including the committee's designated EEOC coordinator -- referring to Wartluft as a "closet lesbian" explain this result). But when Thein hired her anyway, the President apparently retaliated by changing the coaching position from a faculty tenure status to part-time with no job security.

California NOW supports the plaintiffs' cases and has posted a detailed synopsis of the case. Thein's and Juareguito's cases are also pending in federal court, see Thein v. Feather River Community College, Slip Copy, 2007 WL 926568 (E.D.Cal. Mar. 27, 2007) (scheduling order). Wartluft has a state court case pending.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Education needs leaders like Paul Thein, Michelle Jaureguito and Laurel Wartluft who are brave enough to stand up for what is right!

    This should be a lesson for all college presidents and administrators who follow the majority and are more concerned with their own popularity than doing what is right.

    Go Thein!
    Go Jaureguito!
    Go Wartluft!

    We are behind you!!

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I am a teacher and I work in higher education. I agree there is a lack of leadership at most colleges.

    Feather River College sounds like it has no leadership.
    Feather River College's administration and leadership must be running the place like they are involved in a popularity contest.


  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I work at Feather River College in Quincy California and I Googled this article.

    What happened at Feather River College is criminal!

    The President of our college is out of control and the Trustees were NOT doing the job.

    I never got to know Laurel Wartluft, but I can speak with confidence on the other two former employees.

    Michelle Jaureguito and Paul Thein were OUTSTANDING employees who cared deeply about the students. Jaureguito and Thein's careers were trashed after turing in a child molestor, how sick is our president and the leadership.

    Most everyone at Feather River College follows this case and are praying the court system brings justice.

    These individuals deserve justice and the president and the trustees need to be exposed.

    Thanks for covering the situation.

    Go Paul and Michelle!

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Your website and article on Feather River College (FRC) has viewed and passed on by many FRC employees.

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

    Please, keep covering the FRC retaliation case. Even though we work at the college, we are all hoping these former employees win BIG!

    This should have never happened, they were OUTSTANDING HONEST EMPLOYEES!

    As employees; we are all scared to stand up for them, or for what is right, because we need our jobs. We now work each and every day scared for who may be next.

    We need new leadership and want these honest employees back on campus.

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I understand the current employees at Feather River College live in fear of standing up for these 3-employees who lost their jobs for only doing what was right.

    This is the last year of President Carroll's contract, thank God!! Feather River College Board of Trustees need a wake up call.

    The People who know what went on are all waiting for the hearings to get it right. We need justice for the sake of our college and the students.

    The young ladies who were molested in the incident were ignored and the employees who stood up for them were fired.

    The President even wrote a letter to the courts asking for a reduced sentence in support of the molestor.

  6. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I went to the Feather River College Board of Trustees meeting tonight. The college president is totally ill and has the board of trustees acting like pupets.

    It is so sad how a small college is at the mercy of a few individuals who have no ethics.

    The employees that were fired need to return and someone in authority please remove this administration!

    Please Help!

  7. Welcome to all our new readers from FRC, and thank you for your comments. In my observation, Title IX plaintiffs are too often vilified and hung out to dry. It is great to see that Mr. Thein, Ms. Jaureguito, and Ms. Wartluff have this support.

  8. Anonymous2:02 PM

    As a former employee of FRC I understand what Ebuz is saying, employees who stand up for TITLE IX are too often vilified.

    President Carroll has tried very hard to make all these employees look BAD! The problem is Jaureguito, Thein and Wartlufts' strong record of accomplishment in education stands for itself.

    In the end we all hope President Carroll is punished by the courts for the defimation and harm she has caused the employees in their proffesional and private lives.

    I left the college because the way it was operating made me SICK!

    The college president was only looking out for the interest of self not the college.


  9. Anonymous3:04 PM

    From what I know the problem started when the two eomplyees turned in the son of a longtime college teacher (Joseph Munoz) for molesting little girls in a summer camp. Munoz was a very connected instructor and used his influence to get the college president to get rid of Thein and Jaureguito. Thein was always in support of athletics of all kinds, the basketball coach (Wartluft)was just the way they targeted Thein in his release.

    Munoz was never for sports, but the real reason the employees were retaliated was they turned in the son of Joseph Munoz for molesting young high school females in the dorms.

    It is a fact that FRC President Carroll wrote letters of support for the molestor.

  10. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Gene is right!

    The college president supported the molestor!!!

  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I web searched Feather River College and found out the Preesident and Dean of Instruction are both elected officials on the State Board for the California Community College Athletics.

    Bagley and Carrolls' lack of supportt with Title IX Comliance at their own campus seems to be a conflict of interest with their state office.

  12. Anonymous10:30 PM


    Read the details of this case, HOW SICK!

  13. Anonymous9:55 AM

    This case should cost the taxpayers of California big bucks. The three individuals involved deserve compension for the grief and time comsumed by this incident. We are a land of laws.

  14. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Maybe the court system needs to set an example with Feather River College, so other universities don't follow their example and have their administration think they can ignor the Federal laws.

    Feather River College's president and the governing Trustees ignored their obligations to follow the laws and policies, this can not go with out notice. Title IX has been in place for 35 years! It is time the courts make an example of of a college who has chosen the wrong path.

    For the following reasons, I can not think of a better college to make an example of for their violations than Feather River College;

    (1) Calling the women's basketball coach a "lesbian" durring her hire process

    (2) Firing the two-employees who turned in the molestor of the young ladies.

    (3) The college president wrote a letter of support to the courts for the molestor.

    Colleges will not get in line until they fear the results.
    Feather River College needs to be the example, BRING ON THE JUSTICE!

  15. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I don't know the entire story, but it sounds to me like the former employees did the right thing and they should prevail.

    I read the deatils on this case on the California NOW web site (CANOW.ORG) and web searched the former employees; Wartluft, Thein and Jaureguito. Wrtluft is a hall of fame cocah and Paul Thein even has a website dedicated to outline his many accomplishments in higher education (www.PAULTHEIN.com).

    What is wrong with Feather River College?

  16. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I am a mother and if I had my minor daughter molested at this college camp. I would do more than file a law suit against Feather River College.

  17. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I had my daughter in the Upward Bound camp when the two young ladies were molested by their counselor. What is wrong with the college for firing the only people who did the right thing, turn the molestor in!

    I think Susan Carroll, the President of the College, should be fired! I heard she wrote a letter of support for the molestor who is married and in his mid 30's.

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Why isn't law enforcement doing something about this.

    It is imoral for the college president to quite the potential publicity over the molestations, but her actions became inllegal when the students who were molested were removed from the program.

    Were is law enforcement?

    This is something for 60 Minutes!

  19. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I have read the web sites on this case and your right pwschmidt@dwhiter this seems like a criminal act.

    From what I read, the girls who were molested were high school age and the molester was a married man in his late 30's.

    The molestor's father (Munoz)works at the college and influenced the president to help his son with light criminal charges.

    This does sound like a story for 60 Minutes or maybe Dateline!

    Sick, Sick, Sick, Sick, Sick!!

  20. Anonymous9:44 PM

    If the junior Munoz was a teacher, who's responsiblity included supervison of these young ladies enrolled in the Upward Bound program, than this should be FELONY CHARGES and this deserves NATIONAL NEWS ATTENTION!

    This needs to be exposed, for the sake of the young ladies who were molested and for the employees who lost their jobs trying to DO THE RIGHT THING.

    Does anyone know if the junior Munoz in prison?

    He should be!

  21. Anonymous8:41 PM

    The worst thing in this case is the Jr. Monuz is back working at a college with Kids.
    This President should be in jail also for not doing her job the taxpayers of California should have her head!

  22. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Its ashamed that Dr. Carol and many others back stabbed Paul Them and the others that were the back bone of the college. Maybe someone should look at Dr. Carols past records from the last position she held and some of the others that have advance at the Removal of Paul and the others.{ New AD ), Also Dr. Carols decision to support a child molester should of been looked at and questioned to the fullest,and even her job for making these decisions should of put her on Permenit leave time with out pay ,How sick to condone a child molester and think it was ok for that person to commit lude acts with little girls . Whats next for Dr ,Carol and much much further is she going to be allowed to drag the college down

  23. Anonymous11:23 AM

    This is much more than just Title IX violations.

    I don't know anything about Feather River College, but I wonder if they know how much trouble and liability they have?

    What is wrong with their leadership? Is Susan Carroll still the President? She has to be be removed and held accountable for such terrible management of this institution.

  24. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Susan Carroll, the President of FRC is simply a puppet of Joseph Munoz, the faculty member and father of the molestor.

  25. Anonymous10:03 AM

    The college of the president wrote a letter of support to the judge to be lenient on the molester, Munoz, but not even a phone call or letter to the young girls who were molested! The molester now has a job at a neighboring college! Does this seem right?!

  26. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Obviously the college's president didn't care about the young girls who were molested by their couselor!

  27. Anonymous1:16 AM


  28. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Let's just hope that this legal process doesn't bring down FRC financially. There are a lot of good people who still work there and care about the college and students deeply. It's really sad that people such as the Administrators (who are supposed to be EDUCATED) continue to operate in a dysfunctional manner. It's amazing they were hired to do the job. But then again, look at our President of the US of A. FRC is just another example of the macrocosm. Folks, we need to be more aware of who we put into positions of authority. Let's look for those who walk the talk and get the job done right!!!

  29. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Coach Wartluft was screwed bad by this college. Coach W is a champion! She was an athlete on the national college championship team and than coached Kent into a great national power, what is wrong with Feather River Community College? What did they want in a coach? I hope this gets exposed nationally!!!!

  30. Anonymous1:23 AM

    I don't get the comment; stating I hope "this legal process doesn't bring down FRC financially". Under President Carroll's leadership FRC is already down, how much more can they be taken down?

    Feather River needs to accept the fact that they have crooked people in their administration and oversight of this college and hope these people get removed through this process.

    How could this college be taken down? Are they not part of the California Community College system? I hear that is HUGE!!!
    They would NEVER let a few people take them down. California is too political.

    Back whats right!

  31. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Crazy..She is Crazy


    She caused this, we all know she is Crazy!

    People who follow her are WEAK.

    Pass this BLOG on to everyone who cares! Lets expose her and the mess!

  32. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Does anyone know were the child molestor work?

    I read in this BLOG he is back working in EDUCATION, WOW.

    Please if anyone kmnows the college or HS please BLOG the name.

    We should not allow that to go unnoticed! For the sake of other girls he may target his molestations on.

    Were is Jason Munoz?

  33. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Ms. Cheryl WT, you have a good point about CA C C system. Yes, they could take over if something bad were to really happen. In the meantime, the college is operating on a very tight budget and legal fees will only get worse. Money is so tight, they can't hire the necessary full-time positions. And of course, backing what is right is of the utmost importance!! It's the waiting and wondering about how it's all going to come out in the wash because a lot of times even if someone is right doesn't mean they'll win. Paul Thein, Jaureguito, and Wartluft all have good cause for taking legal action. They deserve to win!! Folks at FRC have accepted the fact there are crooked people in their administration but can they do anything about it??? Hell, NO!! All they can do is wait and wait and watch as the money goes trickling out the door. AND if they were to open their mouths and speak about the crooked people, they could lose their jobs. Put yourself in their shoes.

  34. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I understand the frustartions everyone at your college is feeling. It must be hard at such a small college. I think it is important to remember your college is one of over 100 colleges in the largest state system of education in the world. The state is ultimately responsible for the mess made by this administration.

    To put things in persepective;
    Could you imagine being one of the people who lost their jobs and are now having to go through the legal system and the slow process just to re-gain their jobs and reputations back. It is always sad to have to go through such a process, I am sure they would have rather not had to do this.

    In anycase, the local media and eventually the state and national media should expose the harm inflicted to the individuals and the college by this administration.

    That is how the president and the crooked administration can rightfuilly be exposed.

    I hope this settles justfully but NOT silently!

    It may be scary and rough ride for all, but your college needs to go the distance inorder to shake out the crooked.

    Thanks for backing what is right!

  35. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I understand the frustartions everyone at your college is feeling. It must be hard at such a small college. I think it is important to remember your college is one of over 100 colleges in the largest state system of education in the world. The state is ultimately responsible for the mess made by this administration.

    To put things in persepective;
    Could you imagine being one of the people who lost their jobs and are now having to go through the legal system and the slow process just to re-gain their jobs and reputations back. It is always sad to have to go through such a process, I am sure they would have rather not had to do this.

    In anycase, the local media and eventually the state and national media should expose the harm inflicted to the individuals and the college by this administration.

    That is how the president and the crooked administration can rightfuilly be exposed.

    I hope this settles justfully but NOT silently!

    It may be scary and rough ride for all, but your college needs to go the distance inorder to shake out the crooked.

    Thanks for backing what is right!

  36. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Let's not sugar coat things, Feather River is NON COMPLIANT. The administration chose to ignore TITLE IX. The figures are all available to the public. California NOW has reviewed the reports, the law was broken and continues to be broken.

    Breaking the Federal Law is serious!

    Speak up, do not let this continue

  37. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Like the one who said KARMA IS GOING TO GIT THEM!! OH YEAH!!!
    Let the river flow as it should, be patient, and it will be as it should.
    If it's not this life time, there is some time that it will all catch up to those crooked idiots!!
    It is sad for those suffering. I can't imagine what it would be like to live under those conditions. Hang in there Paul! Trust in the system and in the great power out there. What a pain, hey? Wishing you peace of mind.

  38. Anonymous5:24 PM

    How is it that the Title IX law continues to be broken? Explain.

  39. The date was October 03, 2005 and I personally mailed certified letter to all board member at FRC. At this time the board could have examined the fact in the case LONG before where they and FRC finds themselves today.

    In the letters of that date I said among other thing…"Should you force this course of action and not rescind it, it seems to me that it will be VERY expensive for the college and individuals; and I mean financially, emotionally and legally. I respectfully submit that most of you on the Board have been kept from knowing the truth and are ignorant of the issues and dynamics here and are being played as pawns in a personal vendetta, made possible by unethical relationships! If you wish to be just a “rubber stamp” so be it, but be warned, it’s not too late! If you can’t bring yourselves to revisit this decision, I assure you the courts will and it will not be pretty situation for the Board, the College President’s office or the College" How prophetic these word ring true today, for I believe all of this and much, much more will come out - all pointing to an out of control college president, corrupt board members, inept and agenized facility and criminal illegal activity.

    The board, so ignorant in 2005, is now being taught a very expensive lesson, the total cost of which I really believe they do not comprehend. Shouldn’t the FRC district consider electing board members who act with the community and college in mind and not from their personal prejudice imparted by buddies with agendas, corrupt facts, and malice as a motive?

    And as to cost - this is going to be national news and BIG BIG story for the plaintiffs - Thein, Wartluft and Jaureguito. Stay tuned for bigger bomb shells yet to hit I think for where there is one cockroach there is always more.

  40. Anonymous1:03 PM

    To the person who asks how Feather River College continues to be in violation of the federal laws (Title IX);

    1)Feather River College has too many men athletes compared to female athletes.

    They are required to measure the participants and report these numbers in a public document (EADA report). The numbers are non-compliant

    2) Feather River College does not have full-time benifited positions for the coaches of the women teams and the college does not follw equitable hiring practices in seeking new coaches. This is violation

    The mens coaches are all faculty positions with benifits. The coaches of female sports are all aprt-time except for the temp-newly hired women's basketball coach.

    Discrimination in the way they arte seeking, hiring and treating the female coaches is a violation.

    I understand the fundraising and the facilities are also non-compliant with the federal laws, I am unable to give my advice on this at thius time since I have not been on the campus.

    Feather River College will be fully evaluated in the near future by the Department of Education due to their non-complaince and all issues non compliance issues will be fully exposed. Any school or college recieving fedarl funds (Student Loans, Pell grants, federal grants, or others)are required to comply or loose those funds. No college could survive with out federalaid! Why does feather river continue to be non-compliant? It is like slaping a gorilla in the face, sooner or later that big animal will get you!

    I know a lot of people who are watching Feather River College's leadership slap that Federal Gorilla in the face and waiting for the animal to get angry enough to attack. It is comming!!!!

  41. Anonymous12:06 AM

    How many of you know that what has and is happing at FRC is a continuance of the inept leadership and management of Dr. Susan Carroll, established by previous actions? And if this was the case prior to her hire at FRC – why did the board not know this and take it into consideration before her hire?

    See “Everett C.C. slapped with unfair labor practice complaint after college president rescinds agreement.”

    In the 1998 Everett College Case, Dr, Susan Carroll is charged and found to have created, and I quote an “abusive work environment in the administrative services department”; EXACTLY as is alleged by Thein, Wartluft, and Jaureguito now. This is her “patter of practice and legacy” – and it follows her!

    In FRC’s case, Dr. Carroll’s apparent lack of control, lack of oversight and understanding of prescribed duties, policies and procedures has resulted in abuse and harassment of the Vice President, and her continued lack of intervention has empowered and emboldened an out-of-control faculty members, the nature of which many in the community are aware! The board, corrupted by agenized friends with malicious motives, aided and abetted her actions. The HR department, instead of upholding college policy and the responsibilities the position required, simply became the puppet of an “out of control” president – whose blatant disregard of due process and policy was the course of action. HR either did not have the required skills or understand the position required to be exercised or wantonly disregarded them.

    HOWEVER, there is more than Title IX in question here! Title IX is an issues but certainly not the only issue. There are at least the following; Violation of State and Criminal Statutes, Preferential Treatment/Favors in violation of policy, Fraud, Slander, Defamation, Witness Tampering, Falsification of Documents, Signature Forgery, Tax Evasion and Criminal Cover-up.

    The FRC community needs to evaluate their personal and professional position on the issues – for when the court rules it will be too late to reposition yourself with any credibility if you should find yourself on the wrong side of the decisions!

    The campus needs to tell the truth and expose the wrong doing there. Those that have been victims and have not spoken out against the abusive reign of Dr. Carroll and her privileged faculty friends – need to thank the brave people who have!!

  42. Anonymous12:07 AM

    How many of you know that what has and is happing at FRC is a continuance of the inept leadership and management of Dr. Susan Carroll, established by previous actions? And if this was the case prior to her hire at FRC – why did the board not know this and take it into consideration before her hire?

    See “Everett C.C. slapped with unfair labor practice complaint after college president rescinds agreement.”

    In the 1998 Everett College Case, Dr, Susan Carroll is charged and found to have created, and I quote an “abusive work environment in the administrative services department”; EXACTLY as is alleged by Thein, Wartluft, and Jaureguito now. This is her “patter of practice and legacy” – and it follows her!

    In FRC’s case, Dr. Carroll’s apparent lack of control, lack of oversight and understanding of prescribed duties, policies and procedures has resulted in abuse and harassment of the Vice President, and her continued lack of intervention has empowered and emboldened an out-of-control faculty members, the nature of which many in the community are aware! The board, corrupted by agenized friends with malicious motives, aided and abetted her actions. The HR department, instead of upholding college policy and the responsibilities the position required, simply became the puppet of an “out of control” president – whose blatant disregard of due process and policy was the course of action. HR either did not have the required skills or understand the position required to be exercised or wantonly disregarded them.

    HOWEVER, there is more than Title IX in question here! Title IX is an issues but certainly not the only issue. There are at least the following; Violation of State and Criminal Statutes, Preferential Treatment/Favors in violation of policy, Fraud, Slander, Defamation, Witness Tampering, Falsification of Documents, Signature Forgery, Tax Evasion and Criminal Cover-up.

    The FRC community needs to evaluate their personal and professional position on the issues – for when the court rules it will be too late to reposition yourself with any credibility if you should find yourself on the wrong side of the decisions!

    The campus needs to tell the truth and expose the wrong doing there. Those that have been victims and have not spoken out against the abusive reign of Dr. Carroll and her privileged faculty friends – need to thank the brave people who have!!
