Saturday, November 17, 2007

Flood may be recognized

In an editorial about the suspension of head volleyball coach Jaye Flood of FGCU, writer Deron Snyder looks into why Flood's recent Atlantic Sun Coach of the Year award went unmentioned by the university.
In talking to sports information director Matt Fairchild, Snyder discovered that he was asked by AD Carl McAloose not to mention Flood in the press release that went out last week when the A-Sun announced their annual awards that included ones for FGCU players as well. But McAloose may be backing off--he and the school are getting a lot of flak over Flood's suspension and now this slight and the appearance that this is all in retaliation for Flood's participation in a gender equity complaint last summer. McAloose said there may be another press release forthcoming that does mention Flood's award but did not comment on why she was omitted from the first one.
Meanwhile, the university has told Flood's lawyer that the investigation is complete. But Linda Correia said the investigation did not even include an interview with Flood herself.

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