Thursday, February 01, 2007

Knight Commission Meeting Podcasts Available

As we mentioned last week, the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics met on January 22. The Knight Commission is an independent research organization that studies intercollegiate athletic and makes recommendations for the reform in the interest of academic and financial integrity. Of the three panels that presented at the meeting, one was devoted to the topic of gender equity. The podcast of this panel, along with the other two, is available here.

I am looking forward to listening to this because the gender equity panelists represent a variety of perspectives. Dr. Christine Grant is a Title IX proponent and advocate for women's sports; Janet Judge is an attorney in private practice who represents universities in compliance matters; Ted Leland chaired the Commission on Opportunity in Athletics, which made a number of controversial recommendations to weaken Title IX; and Eric Pearson leads the College Sports Council, an organization lobbies and litigates against Title IX.

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