Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Who's the Title IX Coordinator Around Here?

Every educational institution that receives federal funding is required by Title IX's implementing regulations to “designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out Title IX responsibilities.” Every state and local education agency is required to have a Title IX Coordinator as well.

When someone like a student, a parent, a teacher, or a coach believes that a school is engaged in unlawful gender discrimination, the Title IX Coordinator is the first person she or he should contact. The coordinator's job is to investigate and resolve complaints. So important is this job that OCR requires schools to post the name and contact information of its Title IX Coordinator with its official notice of nondiscrimination that must be displayed prominently in each announcement, bulletin, catalog, or application form used in connection with recruitment of students or employees.

However, it's not always easy for students, parents, teachers, and staff, to find the Title IX Coordinator at their school, in their district, or for their state. (Try -- you'll see!) To help make at least some of these officials easier to identify, the Feminist Majority Foundation's website provides a list, recently updated, of every state education agency's Title IX Coordinator. FMF estimates that there are over 120,000 people who hold the position at a school or at some level of government. Thanks to FMF's list, at least 50 of them are easy to track down!

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