FMF explains the importance of keeping/publishing such as list:
Title IX regulations specify that each recipient of federal financial assistance “designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out Title IX responsibilities” and that names and contact information for Title IX coordinators be made public. If everyone complies with this law there should be over a hundred thousand Title IX coordinators making sure that all students and staff are informed of their rights and protections against sex discrimination. However, it is difficult to find these coordinators so it is not surprising that a recent study found that fewer than 20 percent of teachers understand what Title IX covers and only a miniscule percent of students and parents are aware of their rights under Title IX. More Title IX coordinators doing their job in a proactive way with support from their employers and external advisers can prevent sex discrimination rather than just helping those who have suffered from discrimination file complaints.Thanks, FMF, for improving access to Title IX coordinators at the state level!